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About Me

I am passionate about improving patient lives through advancements in biotechnology and making scientific education more accessible at every level.

I co-founded and served as CEO at Known Medicine, which was acquired by Pathos in Spring 2023. I am currently the Vice President of Partnerships at Pathos.

Known Medicine developed a high-throughput patient-derived tumor organoid platform for drug development and discovery applications. Founded in 2020, we established a tumor biobank with over 800 tissues, devised new methods for organoid generation, and applied those methods to create the most high-throughput organoid platform to date. These advancements enabled us to generate novel insights related to on-market therapies and identify new drug targets. Over three years, we expanded the team to 20 people, constructed and operated a 7,000 sq ft lab and office, and successfully raised $8.2M in venture funding including from Y-Combinator.

I graduated from Virginia Tech – Wake Forest University School of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences, where I earned my PhD in biomedical engineering. With over a decade of experience in tissue engineering, biomaterials, and cancer biology research, I've authored 17 publications and presented numerous abstracts and posters.


Beyond my industry pursuits to improve patient lives, I'm also passionate about education in community, childhood, and higher education systems. I've had the opportunity to teach Tissue Engineering at Wake Forest University and have eagerly embraced guest lecturer and seminar opportunities. I have a few exciting projects in the works for both community and childhood education.

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